Your Delivery Partner

Bringing practical support to the delivery of large and complex programmes of change.

Proven Approaches

Undoubtedly some sort of framework for change is required to enable everyone pull in the same direction, and certainly there is a wide range of methods to choose from. At Rakiro, we have consolidated our experience into a succinct framework which we believe offers a powerful foundation for change.

Collaboration and Partnership

One of the most common observations that we would have of business change initiatives is the fragmentation of people working on the project. We recognise the power of truly collaborative teams and we work to establish clarity in the challenges faced and the methods by which everyone can contribute to the overall objectives.

Committed Experts

Rakiro comprises a team of committed and expert consultants that you can call upon to solve your toughest problems. Not only are we able to provide specialist support where required; we pride ourselves on our ability to lead and lead by example. Whether you have a problem that you need a rapid solution to or a challenging interim management gap, Rakiro can help.

Long-term Relationships

We have been providing support to our customers for many years. Our role is to quickly make an impact, catalyse the change, hand it over and withdraw as soon as is practical. Our clients find that we can best provide real value when we work together to accelerate transformation and then work to embed changes into business operations.

Knowledge Sharing

Sharing of knowledge and experience is an important element of our offer. We are specialised and expert in the processes and methods by which businesses are able to transform themselves. Part of our job is to embed the capability for change into our client's organisations, better enabling them to meet the challenges that change inevitably brings.

How We Can Help You

Just in Time Support


It often seems the case that there is no time for planning but lots of time to fix things when they start to go astray. At Rakiro, our many years of experience have taught us that up front planning is repaid many fold during the programs that follow. We have a wealth of experience in how to initiate programs which not only benefit from an orderly and planned birth, but also create early momentum to get on with the job at hand.


As programs progress it is inevitable that the environment works to try to make you take your eye off the ball. Whether the original vision has aged, staff turned over or business priorities have changed, programs can suffer from drift if not continuously set back on their rails. We offer a variety of methods to diagnose problems and reset the initiative to get it focused on delivering the benefits that where originally intended.

In Flight

Even once in flight, forming and maintaining high-performance teams can be a challenge. We can offer a range of support whether a specialist resource is missing or management capacity needs to be extended. Irrespective of the job at hand, we will bring Rakiro's expertise, commitment and proven approaches to bare.